She enters the world, steps into the unknown territory, haunted by the spirits of Lucifers of the world. Looks around, stares at her openings, the instant scanning of her body, the judgment passed through the eyes, she feels harassed, she feels abused. But she stands tall, wondering why can’t someone be punished for the impurity of the thoughts and not just actions.
Oh the thoughts, the range is infinite. “If only I can pay someone to limit my thoughts”, he thinks. His world is surreal. The curse of his limitless thoughts is it actually limits the reality around him. The judgment is passed, the behavior is observed and the mortals compartmentalized. “It could be the other way around” he wonders and then corrects his action.
“Action, yes, this is what is lacking in these people” he mumbled as he looks down and forcibly bows to this unjust treatment by his God. He is carefree in the eyes of the rich and careless in the eyes of the downtrodden. This share of happiness is unfair, he wonders, ignoring the fact that happiness is an emotion and cannot be generated even by the shareholders of the world.
“I am one of the shareholders,” she thinks, or at least her ego does. She feels in control, she feels she is happy although reality speaks otherwise. She feels like she is traveling on a road full of garbage & filth on both sides, but at the end of the road, is a mansion waiting for her. Little does she realize the mansion is a facade built in front of a ghetto.
“And then the train gets derailed.... the livings are dead… these thoughts are in the air... ready to be grabbed again... as the mortals are countless and the emotions so few. Death - the only thing the livings have in common.. the suddenness of it...would have been an evil beauty if only it wasn’t real, but it is. Weird, how life is a fantasy and death is the only thing that’s real, that binds us and that forces us to be alive as well.”
The things written above are not my actual thoughts, just a small glimpse into a 10-second carousel I paint while I stand near the Metro gate, watching other people behave and judging myself on the kind of thoughts I have.
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